...and the reasons why
Female Populus Fremonti Wats (Female Cottonwood Tree)
Bears cottony seeds that cannot be confined to a single property.
The Fruiting Variety of Morus Albo and Morus Nigra (Fruiting varieties of Mulberry Tree)
Bears succulent berries that fall to ground. Look for varieties that do not bear fruit.
Any female Species of Salix Tree (Willow Tree)
Bears cottony seeds that cannot be confined to a single property.
Any Ailanthus Tree (Tree of Heaven)
Roots and leaves are poisonous. Females produce over-abundance of
winged, uncontrollable seeds, and male flowers are foul-smelling.
Invades areas with underground roots that sprout into trees. Causes
foundations to split. Clogs underground pipes and leach lines.
Salt Cedar
Sterilizes surface soils by exuding salts that prevent growth of other
vegetation. Has very low value to wildlife and livestock. Builds up
heavy fuel loads leading to increased fire hazard and aggravates
flooding by clogging river channels.
Russian Olive
Very invasive, clogging irrigation ditches and pastures. Thorns can puncture tires.